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Virtual Classroom Walk-Through Look-Fors

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A quick perusal of various professional journals and posts makes apparent there are almost as many instructional models being implemented now as there are school districts! What’s a leader to do to ensure sound instruction no matter where it is occurring?

The New Leaders group recently published Virtual Look-Fors for School Leaders: Supporting Instruction During COVID-19 Online & Remote Learning. It’s a comprehensive document, divided into three areas:

  • Content Look-Fors

  • Teacher Look-Fors

  • Student Look-Fors

These look-fors are also quite applicable to non-virtual instruction.

Furthermore, it is a Google document, so leaders are able to make electronic copies for immediate use. An added bonus is the document provides low-inference (objective) data to provide feedback to the teacher and to differentiate support. Indeed, this two-page document is a powerful resource as leaders navigate classroom observations and feedback in multiple instructional settings!

New Leaders. (2020). Virtual Look-Fors: Supporting Instruction | COVID-19. Retrieved September 16, 2020, from