Leading Accelerated Learning Implementation
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As schools begin welcoming students back to in-person instruction, teachers and leaders are shifting their focus from surviving the crisis to helping students recover and thrive.
As a school leader, what is your strategy to ensure all learners get back to grade level learning ASAP? You likely have heard the term accelerated learning thrown around. But what is it? How can you support its implementation? Jim Short and Stephanie Hirsh’s recent article “How to Implement Accelerated Learning Successfully” provides insights for leaders.
BONUS: We invite you to visit the links below to see what our TXTS4 Teachers subscribers learned in last year’s Accelerated Learning series.
1: Five Components of Fast Lane Learning
2: Success Starters to Accelerate Learning Video
3: Brain Warm-ups: The Power of Success Starters
4: Standards Wall to Accelerate Student Learning
7: Are You a Master Motivator?
Short, J., & Hirsh, S. (2021, September 31). How to implement accelerated learning successfully: Professional learning for educators. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Retrieved September 20, 2021, from https://www.carnegie.org/topics/topic-articles/professional-learning-educators/how-implement-accelerated-learning-successfully/.