Governing Board Appointments
Governing Board Appointments
Governing Board Vacancies and Appointments
When a governing board vacancy is declared, whether mid-term or because no candidate has come forward to run for a seat, the County School Superintendent is authorized by statute to appoint a qualified elector from the district to fill the seat.
Filling a governing board vacancy is covered under Arizona Revised Statute 15-302.A.3.:
Appoint governing board members of school districts to fill all vacancies, but the term of the appointment shall be until the next regular election for governing board members, at which time a successor shall be elected to serve the unexpired portion of the term. A person who is subject to registration as a sex offender in this state or in any other jurisdiction is ineligible for appointment under this paragraph. Within thirty days after notification of a vacancy, the school district governing board may submit up to three names to the county school superintendent for consideration of an appointment to fill the vacancy. The county school superintendent is not required to appoint a governing board member from the list of names submitted by the governing board. The county school superintendent, if the county school superintendent deems it in the best interest of the community, may call a special election to fill the vacancies. If an election is called, the newly elected member shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term.
Maricopa County School Superintendent Appointment Process:
Once the Office of County Superintendent receives the up to three names from the school district governing board, the office requests the full list of candidates who applied with the district. (Interested individuals may also apply simultaneously/directly to our office.) Depending on the number of applicants, interviews will be scheduled and conducted electronically and/or in person. This allows the Superintendent and the interview team to conduct a thorough vetting of candidates as well as understand the district’s issues and dynamics.
While the Superintendent recognizes the district governing board’s recommendations, the Superintendent is not obligated to appoint an individual from the district list. Depending on the timing of the vacancy, the Superintendent also has the option to call for a special election if it is in the best interest of the district.
Once an individual is chosen for appointment, the Superintendent personally contacts the individual to extend the appointment. The Superintendent then contacts the district governing board president, the district superintendent and the individuals not chosen.
Finally, an oath-of-office ceremony is conducted with the appointed individual and all official paperwork is issued.
Please contact Superintendent Shelli Boggs with any questions or to apply for a vacancy -
Current Vacant Governing Board Seats
Aguila Elementary School District - 2 Vacancies
Gila Bend Unified School District - 1 Vacancy
Laveen Elementary School District - 1 Vacancy
Liberty Elementary School District - 1 Vacancy
Murphy Elementary School District - 1 Vacancy
Phoenix Union High School District, Ward 1 - 1 Vacancy
Union Elementary School District - 1 Vacancy
To view the list of individuals who have applied to fill vacancies, click HERE.
To see vacancies filled by appointment since January, 2017, click HERE or download a CSV file.