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Feedback Beyond Suggestions

TXTS4 Leaders List

Feedback Beyond Suggestions

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In “Feedback on Teaching Beyond the Low-Hanging Fruit,” (2018), Justin Baeder makes a compelling argument about why and how school leaders can move beyond providing suggestions to delivering actionable feedback.  In short, suggestions are typically not useful either because they are based on insufficient evidence or it “puts teachers in a role of passive compliance,” robbing teachers of potential professional growth (Baeder, 2018).

When artfully framed as an evidence-based discussion that returns “information to its source for re-processing,” feedback becomes a two-way, deep discussion about instruction between the observer and the observed (Baeder, 2018). 

Here is a sample of the article’s “Ten Questions for Better Feedback Without Suggestions:”

  • Context: I noticed that you [ ] ..what were you thinking was happening at that time?

  • Comparison: I noticed that students [ ] …how did that compare with what you expected to happen when you planned the lesson?

  • Impact:  What effect did you think it had when you [ ]?

We invite you to read the entire article and also visit Baeder’s website for additional school leader resources.

Baeder, J. (n.d.). Feedback on teaching beyond the low-hanging fruit: 10 questions for better feedback. Retrieved November 13, 2018, from