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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85012


The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

Unorganized Territories

Unorganized Territories

Unorganized territories are those areas of Maricopa County that do not fall within the boundaries of a school district.


Certificates of Educational Convenience (CEC) are issued for students that reside in unorganized territory. The certificates allow those students to attend any of the school districts adjacent to the unorganized territory. The district determines which school within the district the student will attend.

Our office works very closely with the school districts to make the application process as simple as possible. If you are eligible or required to obtain a CEC, you should contact the school district of attendance.


If you reside in an unorganized territory and transportation is not provided by the attending school district, you may be eligible for mileage reimbursement by our office. To apply for mileage reimbursement:

1     Register as a vendor with Maricopa County. Click Sign Up and fill out the required fields for your registration.

2     Once you have registered, you will be contacted by Maricopa County Finance with a vendor number and a request to complete a W-9 form. No payments can be made until County Finance receives the W-9 form as this is IRS reportable income. If you have any questions about vendor registration, contact Maricopa County Finance at (602) 506-1379

3     After completing the W-9 form, download and submit the Transportation Aid Application to our office along with proof of residency so we can begin to process your Monthly Transportation Claim. Download packets at the bottom of this page.

Once you have submitted the application to our office you may begin completing and submitting a Monthly Transportation Aid Claim Form. Please note claims must be made within 60 days of the last date claimed. For example, a claim for the month of September with the last date claimed of September 28 must be received no later than November 27. Both the parent (vendor) and the principal must sign the form attesting to the accuracy of the information provided. Incomplete claims will not be processed.

Mileage reimbursement is payable only to a parent/guardian transporting a child or children residing in unorganized territory and attending a public school. Transportation of children attending charter schools or private schools from unorganized territory is ineligible for reimbursement. Mileage reimbursement is only applicable to one round trip daily per family/household.

Download Transportation Aid Application for Returning Students (submit annually).

Download Transportation Aid Application for NEW Students (submit annually).

Download Monthly Transportation Aid Claim Form (submit monthly).

Download Request for CEC-A (UT) - Non-Reimbursement Application (Certification Only)