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TXTS4 Leaders List

Monitoring Learning Acceleration Successful Implementation

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Welcome back to our Leading Learning Acceleration series! Today’s post is edition #4 of our five-part series.

As a school leader, you are familiar with the quote: If it’s worth doing, it’s worth measuring. How does your school stand in the implementation of Learning Acceleration? How are you monitoring these four important goals?

  • 100% of students feel a sense of belonging

  • At least 75% of student work assignments are grade appropriate

  • At least 75% of classroom observations represent strong instruction

  • At least ___% of students are mastering priority content on system-wide assessments; gaps in academic mastery are shrinking by ___%

To help support schools with the successful implementation of Learning Acceleration, TNTP has provided leaders with suggestions and resources for ongoing monitoring. Click to download the Goals and Monitoring Learning Acceleration resource. You will find everything you need in this helpful table.

BONUS: Click here to see last week’s TXTS4 Teachers, which was all about Student Learning Experience Surveys.