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Promising Practices Collection

Orion Heat Shield Experiment

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After building a scale model of the crew capsule, Orion (which will be used in the upcoming Artemis missions) teams then designed and tested a heat shield, using an assortment of materials offered. Students added a Hershey's Kiss inside thier capsule, then simulated the heat and turbulence of reentry into Earth's atmosphere with a hairdryer. The goal was to keep the astronauts from melting, while being as budget-friendly as possible with materials.

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Visual Note Taking

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Using visual note-taking is one way teachers can see what students understood from the lesson. Visual note-taking (or “doodle notes” as I call it) can be structured by the teacher or left open for students to draw what they hear and focus on during the lecture.

Submitted by: April Lesher, Mesquite High School, Gilbert, AZ.

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Using Kahoot for Fun, New Knowledge, and Review

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Kahoot is a "game website" where you can use others content or create your own of ANYTHING. I have created vocabulary or content review sessions. There are also options that others have created around holidays, TV shows, literally every content area. Students enjoy it for the competitive piece that makes the learning more fun. The top three students get put on a podium and the more points you score before time is up drives the "game". You can do it as a whole class, or even assign it as an individual task. There are also options for collaborations and lesson embedding options.

Submitted by: Christina Salazar, Legend Springs Elementary School, Deer Valley Unified School District.

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Self Care for Educators

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Self care for educators is crucial to avoid burn out, develop health stress management, and survive! Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation are some examples of simple self care techniques that educators can adopt.

Submitted by: Beth Tyrell-Prevost, Summit Academy, Mesa, AZ.

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Creator Mindset Lessons

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Creator Mindset lessons focus on helping students establish a growth mindset in which they learn to take responsibility for their successes as well as their failures. It is a mindset that involves not blaming others and keeping a positive attitude no matter the circumstances. They view obstacles and problems as challenges they can overcome. The lessons for creating this mindset involve journaling, roleplaying, and analyzing situations to determine how they can act as a creator of their life rather than a victim of circumstances.

Submitted by: Cindee Badalamente, Camelback High School, Phoenix, AZ.

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Technology Transformations

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Students use the design process to transform one type of technology into another. I begin by putting out various electronic items (they do not have to work) and letting each group pick an item. Then we begin the design process. They brainstorm things they can possibly make out of their item or the parts from their technology.

Students then plan, build, improve and create. Finally, they share their final project. For example: one group of students took an electric toothbrush and transformed it into a fake tattoo machine using ink; another group took an RC car motor and plastic pieces and turned it into a boat with a propellor that worked in their pool; another group transformed a beanie hat into a mini backpack and used the wire for straps and created a button.

Submitted by: Misty Schreiber, Las Sendas Elementary, Mesa Public Schools

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Check your Senses (Grounding Skill)

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"Check your Senses" is grounding mindfulness coping skill explanation video that is in the style of a popular Tik Tok trend that many students will be familiar with "Check your _." It is a video that can be helpful for a student on an individual level or to be done as a whole class using your 5 senses to feel more calm.

Submitted by: Andy Gibbons, Noah Webster Schools

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7 Habits of Happy Kids

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A video summary of the "Leader in Me" core concepts based on the 7 habits of highly effective people and with hand motions to make it easier for kids to remember and teachers to reference in class.

Submitted by: Andy Gibbons, Noah Webster Schools

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Inquiry Journaling in Math

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Inquiry journaling in math is a great way to start a new standard. Generally, I will show an image along with some guiding questions for students to start thinking about the new content. By allowing for inquiry time, students will pull from their background knowledge and they will have time to explore and come up with their own reasoning prior to being given definitions or formulas for the math.

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Stomp Virtual Concert

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I am currently teaching 2 separate classrooms and a group of online students during the same class period--57 students total! I am doing this by creating a curated list of activities based on the topic we are studying. I create a document with a table listing the activity title, a description, a section for notes, and a column for the students to mark it as completed. The first item on the playlist is always a video I have created listing the expectations for the list, including the days the students have to complete the list. The playlist is broken up with daily checkpoints, and I include videos I have created, videos from Youtube, Google Forms surveys/quizzes, guided notes pages, Padlet, and Nearpod activities.

Submitted by: Julie Thibodeaux, Madison Park Middle School, Phoenix, AZ.

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Flipped Learning Playlists

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I am currently teaching 2 separate classrooms and a group of online students during the same class period--57 students total! I am doing this by creating a curated list of activities based on the topic we are studying. I create a document with a table listing the activity title, a description, a section for notes, and a column for the students to mark it as completed. The first item on the playlist is always a video I have created listing the expectations for the list, including the days the students have to complete the list. The playlist is broken up with daily checkpoints, and I include videos I have created, videos from Youtube, Google Forms surveys/quizzes, guided notes pages, Padlet, and Nearpod activities.

Submitted by: Tasha Grant, Barcelona Elementary School, Alhambra Elementary School District.

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TEA Lights/Take Apart/Put Back Together/and How To Writing

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I was able to pick up a tea light at the stem resource center for every student in my second grade class. I did a "take apart and put back together" lesson with the students. I asked them to look at the tea light and "wonder" .... what is it? What do you wonder about ? What might be inside, etc. For example, they responded with the following: I wonder if I will get electrocuted, I wonder if it will break, I wonder if there are wires, batteries, I wonder how long they last? etc, Next, we took it apart. Then, they had to put it back together. WE DID THIS ALL VIRTUALLY! Our class does one or two stem activities every week online. I incorporated a "How to..." writing lesson. The children had to write how to take it apart with a topic sentence, directions, and conclusion. You can differentiate this by having them write the directions on how to put it back together. My daughter is an engineer for Amazon Robotics so she did a great job explaining and drawing pictures of the "current" etc. Next, we are going to use the shavers I picked up at eh resource center and talk about what they might be? How could we use them in space? or a deserted island? Great writing project! Thank you for the lights. I can hardly wait to do it again next year. One student said, "Mrs. Schmidt, this was the BEST!"

Submitted by: Lori Schmidt, Broadmor Elementary, Tempe Elementary School District.

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Using Pear Deck for Teaching with Engagement Online

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Pear Deck gives teachers the ability to create interactive lesson slides that allow for immediate feedback of student understanding as well as higher levels of engagement. Teachers can develop formative assessments using different tools such as short response, multiple choice, drawing, drag and drop, and more. Students are able to follow along with the lessons and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding, all in real time, which allows for engagement from students during class. Since each Pear Deck presentation is created by the teacher, the levels of difficulty and types of questions asked can all be based on the teacher's knowledge of the students within the class. Once the lesson is complete, students are able to access the slides at a later date if they choose in order to help revisit their learning or enhance it should they choose. This also gives the teacher reteaching opportunities for small and whole group should the need arise.

Submitted by: Amanda Porras, Winters' Well Elementary School, Saddle Mountain Unified School District

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Grounding Technique

Laurie King

A grounding technique is a method used to help individuals bring their focus back to what is currently happening to them or their environment at the moment. This grounding technique helps provide the individual with the opportunity to use their five senses to refocus. The technique can be applied virtually or in person and with any age group.

Submitted by: Cristina Hidalgo Holiday, Insight Academy of Arizona.

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