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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Tag: Math

Thinking Boards

Laurie King

Thinking boards is a variation of Peter Liljedhal's VNPS (vertical nonpermanent surfaces) practice. Two to three students per board are randomly assigned to vertical whiteboards (aka Thinking Boards) to work. Students are standing, thinking, writing, and solving together.

Submitted by: Lori Rogers, Harris Elementary School, Gilbert Unified School District

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FinCap Fridays

Laurie King

I use the FinCap Friday mini lessons from Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) in order to engage my students on relevant, real-world topics in the financial sector. Students engage in a variety of financial topics that prepare them for life after high school.

Submitted by: Nicole Smith, Chaparral High School, Scottsdale Unified School District

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Inquiry Journaling in Math

Guest User

Inquiry journaling in math is a great way to start a new standard. Generally, I will show an image along with some guiding questions for students to start thinking about the new content. By allowing for inquiry time, students will pull from their background knowledge and they will have time to explore and come up with their own reasoning prior to being given definitions or formulas for the math.

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