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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Tag: Problem Solving

STEM Shark Tank

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STEM Shark Tank is a fun activity that promotes student collaboration, problemsolving and shared learning. Students are divided into small teams and given an item to research and then “sell” to their classmates. Like the show, each team will have to present and persuade their fellow classmates to invest or buy their item. The team with the most “sales” wins.

Submitted by: John Carlo Tulinao, Amberlea, Elementary School, Pendergast Elementary School District

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Orion Heat Shield Experiment

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After building a scale model of the crew capsule, Orion (which will be used in the upcoming Artemis missions) teams then designed and tested a heat shield, using an assortment of materials offered. Students added a Hershey's Kiss inside thier capsule, then simulated the heat and turbulence of reentry into Earth's atmosphere with a hairdryer. The goal was to keep the astronauts from melting, while being as budget-friendly as possible with materials.

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