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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85012


PP Sandbox

Stomp Virtual Concert

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I am currently teaching 2 separate classrooms and a group of online students during the same class period--57 students total! I am doing this by creating a curated list of activities based on the topic we are studying. I create a document with a table listing the activity title, a description, a section for notes, and a column for the students to mark it as completed. The first item on the playlist is always a video I have created listing the expectations for the list, including the days the students have to complete the list. The playlist is broken up with daily checkpoints, and I include videos I have created, videos from Youtube, Google Forms surveys/quizzes, guided notes pages, Padlet, and Nearpod activities.

Submitted by: Julie Thibodeaux, Madison Park Middle School, Phoenix, AZ.