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TXTS 4 Teachers

Three Easy Steps To Be Even More Awesome

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1.       Create a playlist titled “Best Day Ever.” Consider including the following songs: One Shot by Robin Thicke, No Roots by Alice Martin, and Shine by Asta. Play it loudly on the way to work. (But not so loud that you drown out talk radio in the cars beside you in traffic. That’s un-awesome.)

2.       Reduce the number of “selfies” you take by 50 percent. Increase the number of “besties” (photos you take with your friends) by 100 percent!

3.       Make the following cookie recipe and share them in the lounge/breakroom with a note that says, “So grateful to work with people like you.” Don’t sign it.

Multi-Grades One-Stop Shopping Lesson Plans for MLK Day

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With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day fast upon us, we figured teachers of all grade levels would appreciate the following ready-to-go lesson plans for multiple grade bands.

K-2nd Grade – “Dr. King’s Dream” -

3rd-5th Grades – “Let Freedom Ring: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

6th-8th Grades – “Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Power of Nonviolence”

You might want to bookmark this website, too, as it is an amazing resource for humanities-based lesson plans.

New Year, New View:  Goal Setting With Students

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As teachers, we are accustomed to two “happy new years:” the academic new year and the calendar one.

Although the calendar new year marks the mid-point of the academic year, it is still a golden opportunity to take stock of our progress and to either re-commit or establish new goals.  Why not have our students do the same?

The following link takes you to a blog post, “Tch Tips:  Four Ways to Practice Goal Setting With Students.”

The article is chock full of useful tips and handy hyperlinks to additional resources, including videos.  Don’t worry if you don’t have time to go down the resource rabbit hole right now.  We will feature a few of them in the next few weeks!

Happy New Year!

Learning Menu: Science

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In keeping with our menu theme, today’s video is called “Edible Cells:  Science is Yummy!” Although the video is not specifically an example of a learning menu for science, it is a great strategy for reinforcing plant cell parts.  We also provide some ideas of how to adapt the lesson to be centered or learning menu-based below.

As you enjoy this video, you might consider:

·       How might using an “edible” product be used to reinforce other scientific concepts?

·       You might also consider adapting the lesson to become a learning menu in the following ways:  

o   Set-up the lesson as an inquiry, center-based lesson as opposed to direct instruction, as was featured in the video.

o   Provide a few “appetizer” activities related to previewing the nonfiction pieces at the beginning of the lesson.

o   Require students to choose and complete a “main course” activity, such as completing a graphic organizer detailing cell parts.

o   Provide students with different “dessert” options, with the “edible cells” being one choice. Or, the “edible cells” could be the only dessert option as sufficient reward for completing the rest of the work!

Furthermore, reading materials may be differentiated by reading levels and interests as well scaffolded graphic organizers.

Scrumptious science in action!   

Learning Menu: Literature, There's a Poet in Us All

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“Joyful Writing.” Hmmm.  Seems like a contradiction in terms for most students. What if you could offer sweet writing experiences that will leave students motivated to finish their appetizers and entrées in order to get their dessert?

Our strategy today comes from Poetry Patterns:  The how-to-write-a-poem program by Jesse Hise (1982, 1995).  Although the patterns are designed to encourage poetry writing, they can be easily adapted to align to literature or informational text topics, therefore, making them ideal “dessert” menu items.

“Anyone Can Write a Poem” Poem

This is a nonsense poem that follows a simple formula:  C + C + WD + E =P

Translated:  comparison plus comparison plus wild dream plus emotion equals poetry.

Students brainstorm using the above formula.  Encourage them to allow their imagination free reign.

Instruct students to rearrange their brainstormed phrases to create a nonsense poem.

Provide an example for students follow; stress that their poem does not need to make sense and should not rhyme.

An example from Jesse Hise:

The Grand Canyon cut in the freeway

While the king’s blueberries

Became a garbage pit of fireworks

Marshmallow lions sank

In the moonlight

While I raged at the mirrors

In the sunset

“Person” Poem

This time, write the name of a person at the top (a good friend, a family member, a famous person).

Use the same formula: C+C+WD+E=P, but this time applied to the person selected.

Brainstorm comparisons, a wild dream, and emotion first.

Rearrange brainstormed phrases into any form to make a poem, but again, don’t worry about rhyming.

Jesse Hise’s book is chock full of poetry patterns that have been used by teachers for over 30 years as they are simple to use, are easily adaptable to all grade levels, and are a risk-free method for encouraging literacy.  You can find a sample of his book at

Hise, J. (1982, 1995). Poetry patterns: the how-to-write-a-poem program. Culver City, CA: Interact.

Professional Collaboration on the Web

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“Whenever you have people who can focus on the same thing at the same time, then amazing things happen between people.  And that is what education is all about.”  - Jana Dean, Teacher.

Thus far in our professional collaboration series, we have primarily thought of the concept in terms of onsite collaboration.  But what if a teacher does not have a grade level or content area peer in his or her school?

The beauty of the Internet is we now have the potential to collaborate with professionals across the country.  The following link takes you to the “Tchers’ Voice” blog, which is rich in professional dialogue.  This post, in particular, discusses the Illustrative Mathematics program and the potential to virtually work with teachers all over the country.  For those of you who teach math, this is an incredible opportunity to view and provide feedback to lesson plans and to otherwise find collegial support in implementing the Mathematical Standards.

You might want to take a look at the various links on this post as it contains an array of resources.   We will look at professional collaboration and the ELA standards later this week.

Learning Menu: Social Studies

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As promised, today we pivot from math learning menus to social studies with a healthy helping of English language arts integration.

Similar to the math learning menu introduction, today’s video features learning menu strategies organized around a three-course meal analogy.  In the featured 7th grade social studies class, the teacher offers the following “courses:”

Appetizers – A choice of activities requiring students to demonstrate comprehension of key details.

Entrées – A choice of activities wherein students demonstrate an ability to trace the development of central ideas and draw deeper inferences from the text.

Dessert – A choice of activities to challenge students to analyze and synthesize information from the text.

In addition to the video, you will notice a link to a Word document of the learning menu options showcased in the video.  The link is directly below the reflection questions to the right of the video player.

Thursday’s content du jour is science strategies!  We hope you find today’s dish delectable!

Learning Menu: Math, Using Technology

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Our daily special is using technology as a math menu selection!

When used effectively, technology provides an ideal platform for math menu activities.  Although not explicitly showcasing “math menu” choices, today’s video certainly answers Marilyn Burns’ “The Big Three” questions, most especially how to keep students meaningfully engaged while working with students who need intensive teacher instruction.

Mr. Pronovost, the teacher in today’s video, models and explains how using two math games allows him to provide differentiated opportunities for students who finish individual practice early while he works with small groups who need additional scaffolding.

As a bonus, he also describes how he was able to secure both hardware and software in order to provide a well-rounded math program.

Today concludes our look at math menu strategies; we will turn our attention to language arts, social studies, and science learning menu strategies next week.   

Learning Menu: Math

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In her article, “Using Math Menus,” Burns shares the underlying benefits and specific math menu items to strategically tackle “The Big Three” burning teacher questions (Burns, 2016, p. 40).

What do I do with students who finish their math assignments more quickly?

How can I free up time to work with students who need extra help?

How can I differentiate experiences to support struggling learners while also meeting the needs of students who require additional challenges

Here is one such menu item, entitled “The Game of Pathways.” We have summarized the strategy below, but we invite you to visit Marilyn Burns’ blog for in-depth directions at

Create 4X5 game board grids.

Complete the grid with “numbers that are products of two of the factors below the grid.”

Students play in pairs on the same board.

The goal is for each student to “X off” connected “pathways” of squares from one side of the grid to the other.

Player One chooses two factors and puts an “X” in the square with the product of the two factors.

Player Two changes one of the factors previously used and then puts an “X” on the product of the new two factors.

Players continue to change a factor from their opponent’s previous move.

The first player to finish a pathway wins the game.

Burns, M. (October 2016). Using math menus: giving students a menu of activities to choose from helps differentiate instruction and engage all learners. Educational Leadership, 74 (2), 40.

The Big Three: 3 questions all teachers ask

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Welcome to December!  We have a delicious month of TXT4 Teachers planned: Magnificent Learning Menus!

In her article, “Using Math Menus,” Marilyn Burns identifies three questions most frequently asked by teachers:

What do I do with students who finish their math assignments more quickly?

How can I free up time to work with students who need extra help?

How can I differentiate experiences to support struggling learners while also meeting the needs of students who require additional challenges?

Burns calls these questions “The Big Three.”  (Burns, 2016, p. 40). Of course, replace “math” from question 1 with “reading,” “writing,” “science,” “art,” or the other content areas, and the question remains the same.  

In an effort to address “the Big Three,” we will provide one content specific “menu” strategy throughout the month.  We begin with math menu items, and we will share ELA, science, and social studies strategies as the month progresses.

To give you a “taste” of what is to come, take a look at this short video introducing the Math Menus.

Bon appetit!

Burns, M. (October 2016). Using math menus: giving students a menu of activities to choose from helps differentiate instruction and engage all learners. Educational Leadership, 74 (2), 40.

No such thing as a "flop"

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We have all been there.  You have spent hours pouring over your standards, sifting through ideas and resources, to get 15 minutes into a lesson and realize your students aren’t, shall we say, impressed. Crickets are chirping.  Or, utter confusion ensues. What do you do?

Even the most seasoned veterans experience a “flop” every now and then.  Today, we provide three tips to turn the flop into an opportunity.

Acknowledge it.  Tell students you see they are confused or not engaged, and you are going to change gears a bit.

Determine what’s up.  Using the think-pair-share strategy or quick write, ask students to articulate what they are finding confusing or difficult.

Some quick open-ended questions are:

Tell me in your own words what you understand about the topic.

What are you finding confusing?

What do you think you need to help you understand?

3. Switch it up.   Instead of whole group, teacher-centered instruction that relies heavily on language, have students act out directions or allow them to perform a non-verbal representation of the concept, such as a drawing or play-dough sculpture.

Finally, and most importantly, use the feedback gained from students to reflect on what was the cause of the “flop,” how you put on your Super Teacher cape to save the day, and what you can do to prevent future flops.  Then take a deep breath, and know you’re not alone.

Words to Inspire

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Since this week is short, and sometimes inspiring or reflective words are their own special category of professional development, we are sharing an excerpt of an E.E. Cummings’ poem.

This poem reflects the one quality all teachers share: we are first learners, then teachers; knowing this truth, the act of teaching deepens our learning.   Cummings’ poetry is particularly wonderful with its intentionally opaque images, leaving the reader a chance to contemplate its meaning on multiple levels.*

We hope this poem provides a few moments of such contemplation, and we wish you a week full of gratitude and bounty.

You Shall Above All Things

you shall above all things be glad and young.

For if you’re young, whatever life you wear

it will become you; and if you are glad

whatever’s living will yourself become.

I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing

than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.

                                                                       - E.E. Cummings

*For those of you not familiar with Cummings, he took great liberty with punctuation, capitalization and syntax.  We have maintained his usage in this excerpt but have used standard usage for the poem’s title and the author’s name.

Professional Collaboration: Reaping the Benefits

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“Teachers have a million things to do every day, and if we did not share the work, we would have three times as much work than we have right now.”

Every classroom teacher, whether new to the profession or a 30-year veteran, will identify with these words, spoken by Barbara McCoy, a featured teacher in today’s chapter of our professional collaboration series.

This short video highlights how two veteran science teachers successfully collaborate.  Although their school provides a common prep period in order to facilitate their work, many teachers have found time to work together outside of the school day in order to reap the benefits of collaboration.

In addition to working together, both teachers speak to the reciprocal benefit of hosting a student teacher.  As you watch the video, consider:

How does collaboration with a colleague, whether formally or informally, ultimately “lighten the load” of teaching?

How does mentoring a novice teacher enhance the practice of a veteran teacher?

How can engaging in intentional conversations about one’s teaching serve as a means of reflection and, ultimately, improved professional practice?

Professional Collaboration: Let's do this effectively

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“How Can We Collaborate Effectively? Norms and Team Effectiveness.”

Although the push for professional collaboration has been in vogue for a number of years, there is a wide-range of implementation practices, ranging from informal teaming to formal training of teacher leaders.

A typical practice of effective collaborative communities is the establishment of norms.  The Center for Adaptive Schools provides “The Seven Norms of Collaboration,” which is a useful tool for both new and well-established teams. A team can either adapt all seven norms or come to consensus on those that are best suited to their needs.  We are providing a copy of the “Seven Norms of Collaboration” below; a lovely PDF can also be found at

Additionally, the following Teaching Channel video, “Norms for Leadership and Learning” provides a glimpse at how one school establishes norms and the benefits of doing so.

Next week, we will take a look at how teams work to improve instruction in a variety of ways.  We hope you enjoy today’s resources, especially the alliteration in the “Seven Norms of Collaboration!

Pausing - Pausing before responding or asking a question allows time for thinking and enhances dialogue, discussion, and decision-making.

Paraphrasing - Using a paraphrase starter that is comfortable for you – “So…” or “As you are…” or “You’re thinking…” – and following the starter with an efficient paraphrase assists members of the group in hearing and understanding one another as they converse and make decisions.

Posing Questions - Two intentions of posing questions are to explore and to specify thinking. Questions may be posed to explore perceptions, assumptions, and interpretations, and to invite others to inquire into their thinking. For example, “What might be some conjectures you are exploring?” Use focusing questions such as, “Which students, specifically?” or “What might be an example of that?” to increase the clarity and precision of group members’ thinking. Inquire into others’ ideas before advocating one’s own.

Putting Ideas on the Table - Ideas are the heart of meaningful dialogue and discussion. Label the intention of your comments. For example: “Here is one idea…” or “One thought I have is…” or “Here is a possible approach…” or “Another consideration might be…”.

Providing Data - Providing data, both qualitative and quantitative, in a variety of forms supports group members in constructing shared understanding from their work. Data have no meaning beyond that which we make of them; shared meaning develops from collaboratively exploring, analyzing, and interpreting data.

Paying Attention to Self and Others - Meaningful dialogue and discussion are facilitated when each group member is conscious of self and of others, and is aware of what (s)he is saying and how it is said as well as how others are responding. This includes paying attention to learning styles when planning, facilitating, and participating in group meetings and conversations.

Presuming Positive Intentions  - Assuming that others’ intentions are positive promotes and facilitates meaningful dialogue and discussion, and prevents unintentional put-downs. Using positive intentions in speech is one manifestation of this norm.

Professional Collaboration: Teamwork makes a dream work

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“You Are Not Alone:  The Power of Professional Collaboration”

In October, we examined various facets of developing our students into collaborative learners.  We began the month with Dr. Jeff Zweirs’ contention, “the process of learning is actually a social venture, and interactions such as conversations (and specifically academic conversations) [help] students to enhance and broaden their comprehension of a specific topic profoundly and in a meaningful way” (Zweirs, 2014).

What are teachers but lifelong learners?  If learning is “actually a social venture” for students, would not the same hold true for teachers?  Yet, teacher burn-out is frequently associated with a sense of isolation.

Hence, our November TXT4 Teachers will plunge into professional collaboration, which goes by many names such as “teaming,” “Professional Learning Communities (PLCs),” or “shared leadership.”  No matter the nomenclature, the intentional sharing of best practices, data analysis, and instructional planning holds the power to open previously closed classroom doors and transform this beloved profession.

We kick-off the month with “A History of Teaming,” which relates how one school’s teaming efforts have evolved.  As you watch the video, consider how the school exemplifies the definition of collaboration:  “teams of teachers who work interdependently to achieve common goals – goals linked to the purpose of learning for all – which members are held mutually accountable” [emphasis added] (DuFour, DuFour, and Eaker, 2008).

Stay tuned for more tips and tools on Thursday!

Academic Dialogue: Broader Benefits

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We are revisiting our tiny people with British accents!

Throughout October, we have contemplated myriad aspects of academic dialogue, from both a wide, philosophical lens and at other times, we dove into the nitty-gritty of specific structures and strategies.  We definitely have gone beyond “peanut butter and jelly partners!”

As we conclude this month’s journey, we broaden our perspective to the “why” of academic dialogue:  empowering our students to become empathetic, problem-solving, creative thinking citizens of the world.

You will see in the video and accompanying article that School 21 has their wellbeing curriculum built into their day.  American classroom teachers typically don’t have the luxury of a school-wide program such as this one.  Yet, the focus on open-ended dialogue based on concrete, authentic experiences and the structures to encourage these conversations can be adapted for any classroom.

School 21’s head of school, Oli de Botton, beautifully summarizes the ultimate goal:  “We want our children to have power and control over their lives, a sense of belonging, and to feel that we can grow here.  We want to give them the experiences and support to do all of these things.”

Be ready to be inspired.  

Academic Dialogue: Collaborative vs. Cooperative learnig

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Surprisingly enough, collaborative learning and cooperative learning are similar but not the same.  We aren’t breaking out our Venn diagrams to compare and contrast these two terms, but our first video today will provide a succinct and thorough expl…

Surprisingly enough, collaborative learning and cooperative learning are similar but not the same.  We aren’t breaking out our Venn diagrams to compare and contrast these two terms, but our first video today will provide a succinct and thorough explanation of the difference.

Of course, a good explanation requires a follow-up example.  As such, we have a second short video illustrating the “1-3-6 Collaborative Group Work Protocol.”

  • A few question to ponder as you view these videos….
  • Do my small group discussions reflect more cooperative or collaborative learning?
  • What learning situations in my classroom call for cooperative learning?What learning situations in my classroom call for collaborative learning?
  • What strategies encourage true collaborative learning?

Academic Dialogue: Speaking Well is Key

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Oracy: A fancy word for the “ability to speak well.”  The good news is it is already occurring in your classroom, and it is the heart and soul of academic dialogue.

Today’s video showcases School 21, a British school that reflects as much ethnic, racial, and economic diversity as any American school.  And, similar to our Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards, School 21 recognizes “speaking is a huge priority [as] it’s one of the biggest indicators of success later in life.”

Just like our previous Edutopia videos, this one features not only “in action” examples, but also a full article providing details about implementation.

You will note similarities to previously highlighted strategies, yet the focus on developing speaking skills and students analyzing their conversations provides another dimension to the topic.

The tiny people with British accents are a bonus, too!

Academic Dialogue: Deep Listening

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In an effort to engage our students in a discussion, the art of deeply listening is sometimes overlooked.  The various academic dialogue techniques discussed in previous TXT4 Teachers have included components of active listening: paraphrasing and seeking clarity for what one hears.  Deep listening, however, is distinguished by “listening over hearing and connecting over responding.  In relationships, deep listening means acknowledging others’ emotions so they are heard.  In careers, deep listening means developing productive communication by listening to understand, not merely to reply” (Heusterberg-Richards, 2016).

Instead of a video, today we offer a thoughtful Edutopia blog post from Amy Heutersberg-Richards, “Deep Listening Activities for Academic Discussions.”

We invite you to visit her post for a full description of the following deep listening activities:

Follow the Thread Discussion

Conversation Circle

Acknowledgment Transitions

Paused Pair-and-Shares

Inviting Quietness

Undoubtedly, these activities are adaptable to all grade levels and content areas.  The challenge, of course, is to intentionally implement one or more of the strategies and consistently build them into either small or whole group discussion protocols.  Imagine the pay-off, however, as students learn to “better know each other’s ideas…It can mean a more inclusive atmosphere where all voices feel respected and where moments of silence are welcome.”