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TXTS 4 Teachers

Professional Collaboration on the Web

Guest User

“Whenever you have people who can focus on the same thing at the same time, then amazing things happen between people.  And that is what education is all about.”  - Jana Dean, Teacher.

Thus far in our professional collaboration series, we have primarily thought of the concept in terms of onsite collaboration.  But what if a teacher does not have a grade level or content area peer in his or her school?

The beauty of the Internet is we now have the potential to collaborate with professionals across the country.  The following link takes you to the “Tchers’ Voice” blog, which is rich in professional dialogue.  This post, in particular, discusses the Illustrative Mathematics program and the potential to virtually work with teachers all over the country.  For those of you who teach math, this is an incredible opportunity to view and provide feedback to lesson plans and to otherwise find collegial support in implementing the Mathematical Standards.

You might want to take a look at the various links on this post as it contains an array of resources.   We will look at professional collaboration and the ELA standards later this week.