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TXTS 4 Teachers

Learning Menu: Math, Using Technology

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Our daily special is using technology as a math menu selection!

When used effectively, technology provides an ideal platform for math menu activities.  Although not explicitly showcasing “math menu” choices, today’s video certainly answers Marilyn Burns’ “The Big Three” questions, most especially how to keep students meaningfully engaged while working with students who need intensive teacher instruction.

Mr. Pronovost, the teacher in today’s video, models and explains how using two math games allows him to provide differentiated opportunities for students who finish individual practice early while he works with small groups who need additional scaffolding.

As a bonus, he also describes how he was able to secure both hardware and software in order to provide a well-rounded math program.

Today concludes our look at math menu strategies; we will turn our attention to language arts, social studies, and science learning menu strategies next week.