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TXTS 4 Teachers

Academic Dialogue: Collaborative vs. Cooperative learnig

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Surprisingly enough, collaborative learning and cooperative learning are similar but not the same.  We aren’t breaking out our Venn diagrams to compare and contrast these two terms, but our first video today will provide a succinct and thorough expl…

Surprisingly enough, collaborative learning and cooperative learning are similar but not the same.  We aren’t breaking out our Venn diagrams to compare and contrast these two terms, but our first video today will provide a succinct and thorough explanation of the difference.

Of course, a good explanation requires a follow-up example.  As such, we have a second short video illustrating the “1-3-6 Collaborative Group Work Protocol.”

  • A few question to ponder as you view these videos….
  • Do my small group discussions reflect more cooperative or collaborative learning?
  • What learning situations in my classroom call for cooperative learning?What learning situations in my classroom call for collaborative learning?
  • What strategies encourage true collaborative learning?