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TXTS 4 Teachers

Academic Dialogue: Speaking Well is Key

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Oracy: A fancy word for the “ability to speak well.”  The good news is it is already occurring in your classroom, and it is the heart and soul of academic dialogue.

Today’s video showcases School 21, a British school that reflects as much ethnic, racial, and economic diversity as any American school.  And, similar to our Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards, School 21 recognizes “speaking is a huge priority [as] it’s one of the biggest indicators of success later in life.”

Just like our previous Edutopia videos, this one features not only “in action” examples, but also a full article providing details about implementation.

You will note similarities to previously highlighted strategies, yet the focus on developing speaking skills and students analyzing their conversations provides another dimension to the topic.

The tiny people with British accents are a bonus, too!