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How-To Guides Gallery

How-To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. We have guides that describe student well-being lessons, how to set up a makerspace, use an industry professional in the classroom and more!

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How To: Set-Up A Home Makerspace

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A home makerspace is a dedicated area in your home designed or creativity, DIY projects, and hands-on learning. A home makerspace is essentially a personalized workshop where imagination meets real-world problem-solving, providing space to explore, invent, and learn new skills.

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How To: Integrate STEM/STEAM into Your Lessons

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STEM learning experiences have a profound and positive impact on students in various ways. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education goes beyond traditional teaching methods, incorporating hands-on, experiential, and interdisciplinary approaches to learning.

These experiences play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded, curious, and capable individuals, better prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the future.

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How To: Gamify Learning... from Idea to Implementation

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Gamifying learning can transform the classroom environment by making lessons more enjoyable and immersive. It boosts student motivation by providing instant feedback, creating a sense of achievement, and allowing for friendly competition. Gamified learning also encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving as students work through challenges together. It helps students develop perseverance and a growth mindset by promoting effort over outcomes. Aligning game objectives with learning goals, gamification helps reinforce content mastery in a fun and meaningful way.

Submitted by: Emmett Burnton, Boulder Creek High School, Deer Valley Unified School District

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How-To: Host a STEM Career Day

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Words cannot fully relay the impact of a child seeing their parent or family member at school! Providing an event in which students can invite a family member to share out their career as it relates to STEM empowers all involved. Schools are reflecting the importance of STEM Education and family involvement, which gets the students excited to share with their family members the place in which they spend 70% of their week. Teachers can support the school-family bond by offering a welcoming environment in which families will begin to feel a sense of community.

Submitted by: Jaime Hansen, Canyon Springs STEM Academy, Deer Valley Unified School District

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How To: Plan an Esports Club

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Establishing an Esports Club can have a positive impact on students and the school community:

  • Promotes teamwork - Esports encourages collaboration and teamwork among students as they compete in teams.

  • Develops Critical Thinking - Competitive gaming requires strategy and critical thinking skills.

  • Fosters Inclusivity - Esports can be inclusive, welcoming students with diverse interests and abilities.

  • Provides Career Opportunities - It can introduce students to potential career paths in the gaming and esports industry.

Submitted by: Troy Rivera, Desert Meadows Elementary School, Laveen Elementary School District

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