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The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

How-To Guides Gallery

How-To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. We have guides that describe student well-being lessons, how to set up a makerspace, use an industry professional in the classroom and more!

Filtering by Tag: Creativity

How To: Set-Up A Home Makerspace

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A home makerspace is a dedicated area in your home designed or creativity, DIY projects, and hands-on learning. A home makerspace is essentially a personalized workshop where imagination meets real-world problem-solving, providing space to explore, invent, and learn new skills.

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How-To: Implement a Take-apart Tuesday

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Deconstruction involves systematically taking apart an object to examine its components, structure, and function. It allows students to gain insights into how the object is made and how it works. Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing a product to understand its design, function, and components. It involves working backward from the final product to discover the design and construction methods.

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How To: Implement 3D Modeling

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Implementing 3D modeling for your students can have a significant impact:

Creativity: It encourages students to express their creativity and design skills.

3D modeling requires critical thinking and problem-solving, enhancing cognitive skills.

Career opportunities: Familiarity with 3D modeling tools can lead to various career opportunities in design and technology.

Digital literacy: It enhances students’ digital literacy by teaching them how to use industry-standard software.

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