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How-To Guides Gallery

How-To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. We have guides that describe student well-being lessons, how to set up a makerspace, use an industry professional in the classroom and more!

Filtering by Tag: Growth Mindset

How To: Gamify Learning... from Idea to Implementation

Laurie King

Gamifying learning can transform the classroom environment by making lessons more enjoyable and immersive. It boosts student motivation by providing instant feedback, creating a sense of achievement, and allowing for friendly competition. Gamified learning also encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving as students work through challenges together. It helps students develop perseverance and a growth mindset by promoting effort over outcomes. Aligning game objectives with learning goals, gamification helps reinforce content mastery in a fun and meaningful way.

Submitted by: Emmett Burnton, Boulder Creek High School, Deer Valley Unified School District

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