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TXTS4 Leaders List

Classroom Visits: Narrowing Focus

Guest User

There is much to see and hear during every classroom visit.  Having a narrow focus and purpose allows leaders to collect specific evidence to monitor progress on particular initiatives and strategies.

But to really hone in on the evidence of student learning, leaders must focus their attention on what students are doing in classrooms every day.  

- What evidence might you collect if the focus is on student learning?

- How does shifting from what the teacher is doing to what the students are doing change how you view the effectiveness of a lesson?

- How can teachers share in the formation of your walkthrough “look fors”?

- What are the benefits of specific student learning “look fors” as it pertains to targeted and actionable feedback for teachers?

- How is the information that is collected used to inform the work of your leadership team, progress toward school goals, and how adjust support for teachers?

- Is your walkthrough team in agreement about how to collect and report “look fors” so that you can use it to discuss patterns?