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TXTS4 Leaders List

Professional Development - Make it Meaningful

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Professional development is not effective unless it causes teachers to improve instruction. Instructional leadership includes creating and maintaining systems to monitor the outcomes from professional development in the class and/or with student learning.  Think of an upcoming PD session you are planning.

·       What teacher behaviors or student results will your team monitor to determine the effectiveness of the PD session?

·       How will the leadership team monitor and analyze walkthrough data or student work in order to address misconceptions or adjust instructional support?

As you and your team consider how to adjust support for teachers, consider how different individuals respond to change.  By differentiating support, celebrating small wins, and using data to help teachers see the “why” behind the change, coaches and leaders can support teachers as they adopt and commit to the new strategy.

For more information on how support teachers who may be resistant to change, check out