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TXTS4 Leaders List

My Meeting, Your Meeting

Guest User

Your Leadership Team is meeting regularly.  Check.  The agenda prioritizes support for your teachers’ instructional needs and the academic progress of your students.  Check.  Members share leadership responsibilities and take steps to advance the school’s mission.  Check?

Harnessing the expertise of the Leadership Team participants is an opportunity to foster their leadership capacity.   Maximize their impact by equipping members to engage in the important conversations inside and outside of the meeting that lead to improved practices.  What steps can you take to ensure members can communicate and take action to move the work forward toward reaching school goals?

Encourage members to share in the meeting facilitation to encourage a sense of ownership and accountability.

Create a system by which the agenda is crafted collaboratively so that it isn’t “your” meeting but “our” meeting.

Elicit different perspectives regarding potential obstacles to encourage innovation and challenge the status quo.

Role play.  How will members articulate a new strategy to teachers? How will they deliver specific and actionable feedback?  What does it sound like to facilitate a difficult conversation?

Check for understanding with individual members to ensure the expectations for next steps are made clear (due date, manner of follow up, etc.) to avoid getting stuck.

What will your next steps be to further empower your team members and ensure you are getting the traction you need to advance the school’s mission, vision, and goals?