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Differentiated Professional Development Through Teacher-Led Learning

TXTS4 Leaders List

Differentiated Professional Development Through Teacher-Led Learning

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Differentiated learning has been a hot buzz word for well over a decade, and we all agree it difficult to implement but good for students. We tend to forget, however, that adults ARE learners, too, with individual learning needs.  Yet, if differentiating for a class full of fourth graders is tough, it can be beyond daunting to meet individual adult learning needs.

A recent ASCD article, “Administrators’ Support Matters for Teacher-Led Learning” by Gretchen Bridgers tackles the issue with a simple answer: administrators encouraging teacher-led learning. Bridgers offers four ways administrators can empower teachers in their professional learning:

  1. Connect teachers to online and offline learning opportunities.

  2. Survey teachers for feedback.

  3. Share the learning.

  4. Celebrate progress.

Furthermore, leaders can encourage teachers to take responsibility for their learning by:

  1. Reflecting

  2. Setting goals

  3. Taking action

  4. Celebrating their own progress.

We invite you to read the entire article for a deeper examination of Bridgers’ suggestions.

Bridgers, G. (2018, November 1). Administrators' support matters for teacher-led learning. Retrieved November 6, 2018.