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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Tag: Collaborative Learning

Thinking Boards

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Thinking boards is a variation of Peter Liljedhal's VNPS (vertical nonpermanent surfaces) practice. Two to three students per board are randomly assigned to vertical whiteboards (aka Thinking Boards) to work. Students are standing, thinking, writing, and solving together.

Submitted by: Lori Rogers, Harris Elementary School, Gilbert Unified School District

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Design and Reflect in PE

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In one of our PE units during each Jr. High learning year, scholars are asked to create a game play for the unit they are in (Pillo Polo, Football, Hockey). They must create the play, draw and explain what will happen in it. They must assign a position to each member of their team and explain in detail what that teammate will do. After testing their play during a game in class, they will then reflect back on if it was successful or not and explain their answer.

Submitted by: Konnie Bonini, The Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies

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Pair it Down

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Pair It Down is a strategy I use with my Middle School students to build self-confidence and leadership skills. Once we have learned a new standard, students are asked to create a 5-10 minute demonstration of their learning to share with a younger student.

Submitted by: Melissa Potts, Estrella Foothills Global Academy, Laveen Elementary School District

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STEM Shark Tank

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STEM Shark Tank is a fun activity that promotes student collaboration, problemsolving and shared learning. Students are divided into small teams and given an item to research and then “sell” to their classmates. Like the show, each team will have to present and persuade their fellow classmates to invest or buy their item. The team with the most “sales” wins.

Submitted by: John Carlo Tulinao, Amberlea, Elementary School, Pendergast Elementary School District

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