Student Autonomy for Greater Focus
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May Day! Is your students’ focus diminishing? Autonomy matters!
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Filtering by Tag: Critical Thinking
May Day! Is your students’ focus diminishing? Autonomy matters!
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What Would Marzano Do?
Robert Marzano's research from Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement listed nine strategies that yielded high results. They are:
If you are interested in knowing how successful each are, check out his book or visit this PDF adaptation. Warning: without the book you might not realize that there is also a matter of HOW well the strategies are implemented.
“Within the word we find two dimensions, reflection and action, in such radical interaction that if one is sacrificed – even in part – the other immediately suffers …” – Paulo Freire
In a go-go academic world focused on the “correct” answer, it is easy to overlook the power of reflection. Students of all ages, from pre-schoolders to adults, benefit from the quiet think time coupled with either written or verbal reflection. Such “marinating” allows students to better integrate their learner.
The following Edutopia blog post by Joshua Block explores the importance of reflection in depth.
We are including the list of reflective prompts from the post for those who simply wish some quick ideas for prompting reflection:
· Share one thing you learned.
· Share a question for future investigation.
· Respond with a word.
· What worked? What didn’t work?
· What is one part of your work that you are proud of?
· How would you do this differently next time?
Block, Joshua. “Let It Marinate: The Importance of Reflection and Closing." Edutopia. N.p., 20 May 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.