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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85012


The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

STEM lessons still a head scratcher?

TXTS 4 Teachers

STEM lessons still a head scratcher?

Guest User

There is a lot that goes on around MCESA to support you and your students with STEM. Today, I'll wet your appetite.

STEM Pro Live!

Bringing STEM professionals from their workplaces into your classroom for free. Yep. You heard it! FREE!

The LIVE webinars are the 3rd Wednesday of every month. In March, Amazon gave us a tour around their Phoenix fulfillment center and explained how technology and mathematics makes it all possible.

Can't make the live event? That's okay. They are all archived to access at any time.



This is a series of videos with STEM educators posing real-world challenges to students. Educators provide students and teachers with necessary background information, guiding questions, and suggested resources to solve community challenges.

Can your classroom solve it?

This month's challenge: Conduct research about your school lunchroom and design a better system for distributing lunches or getting students through the lines more efficiently.

Click here for the teacher materials for this challenge.


Get more resources on MCESA's STEM webpage.

Sharing is caring, so share this information with your colleagues.

Products brought to you by MCESA's very own STEM gurus--Darcy Moody, Brian Hoffner, and Gale Beauchamp.