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Digital Dementia in Children

TXTS 4 Teachers

Digital Dementia in Children

Guest User

Dementia is typically associated with the older population, but not anymore. Today's youth are increasingly suffering from Digital Dementia.

Have you ever spoken directly to students just to see blank stares and unresponsive actions? It could be Digital Dementia. Discovered in 2012 as a cerebral deterioration phenomena that happens with overuse of today's technology (smart phones, tablets, hand held gaming systems and such).

Here's some expert tips to recover/avoid it:

1. Use your noggin, not Google. Teach students how to concentrate on remembering.

2. Use real books. Research shows it's better for retention anyway.

3. Let them play. Increased blood flow to the brain brings in needed nutrients.

Pat Quinn, The RTI Guy, recently suggested in a webinar that teachers:

1. Focus students on posture so that heads are not tipped forward (relieves pressure to brain stem).

2. Have students do eye circles off to the left and then off to the right to eliminate eye convergence.

3. Use triads more often than pairs so that heads and eyes are moving more.

4. Let the students play! If you have to power to influence recess minutes, influence away!

Digital Dementia isn't just for kids. Make sure you are not falling into the same digital trap.