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Building a Sense of Belonging Through Peer Recognition

TXTS 4 Teachers

Building a Sense of Belonging Through Peer Recognition

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Students’ sense of belonging at school affects their overall learning. Peer recognition is a powerful way to build belonging by deepening students’ connections and relationships with their peers.

Students can recognize each other through a variety of activities. One simple activity involves writing compliments. First, students each write their name on the top of a piece of paper. Next, the papers are passed around the room with each student writing a compliment to the student whose name is on the top of the page. Alternatively, the teacher could tape a piece of paper on the back of each student. Then, the students walk around the class while peers write compliments on the paper. As always, providing a model, a brainstorming session, and scaffolds such as sentence starters will set the students up for success during the activity.

At the end of the compliment session, the teacher can collect all of the papers and place them in envelopes to send home or mail to each student. This positive, affirming activity is the perfect gift to kick-off the holiday break and remind students how much they are valued in the classroom community.

Click here for more ideas and templates to build belonging in your classroom.

TXTS4 Teachers will be on hiatus for the winter holidays and will return in January 2022. We are wishing you joy, peace, and some good rest during your winter break. We know your dedication to your students is a gift that will last for generations. Thank you.

Barron, L. & Kinney, P. (2021). We belong: 50 strategies to create community and revolutionize classroom management. ASCD.