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TXTS 4 Teachers

Prevention Interviews: A Tool for Connecting with Students

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As teachers, we know intuitively that punishing a student’s behavior is not the most effective way to manage discipline. What if we had a tool to listen with intention instead of punishing students? Educator Jeffrey Benson developed “prevention interviews” as an alternative to punishment.

Prevention interviews operate exactly as they sound: one-to-one conversations featuring open-ended, non-judgmental questions. The goal is to strengthen the teacher-student relationship and to help the student gain self-regulation and coping skills. Check out the infographic, which includes sample questions, for how to get started.

We invite you to read the full article and listen to the interview here.

For additional SEL ideas, check out Benson’s website dedicated to supporting schools that work for all students.

Benson, Jeffery. (2021, October 1). Prevention interviews: listening with intention. ASCD. Retrieved from