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The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

TXTS 4 Teachers

Just-in-Time Scaffolds

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The process of scaffolding provides assistance to students and empowers them to perform tasks independently. Scaffolding is beneficial for all students but is critical for students for whom you are accelerating learning. Teachers can easily anticipate the supports students will need and integrate scaffolds into the lesson—just in time for new learning. Suzy Pepper Rollins, author of Learning in the Fast Lane, explains how teachers can plan for the just-in-time scaffolds students need to fill in gaps and accelerate learning in her article “Just-in-Time Support” (2016).

Pepper Rollins, S. (2016, October). Just-in-Time Support. Just-in-Time Support - Educational Leadership.