Cheers to Crushing Your 2021 Goals!
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Now that you have had a restful winter break and are back in motion with your students, it is time for a goal check-in. What are your personal and professional goals? If you haven’t already, take some time to reflect and think about what you want to achieve by the end of the school year. Here are some tips to ensure success.
Write, plan and track – Have you updated and articulated your goals yet? Maybe you have an overarching goal, but what specifically do you want to accomplish by the end of the school year? Break this larger goal into monthly ones and weekly benchmarks. Then consider how you are going to track your progress. You might want to add your plan to your calendar, lesson plans, or journal.
Celebrate the SMALL WINS! If you set a daily intention toward meeting your goal, you will have incremental wins to celebrate along the way. Keep in mind, it takes 21 days for an activity to become a habit. So, if your goal is a behavioral one, give yourself ample time to meet it but revel in the successes along the way. Jot down these successes and give yourself a pat on the back and do a happy dance to celebrate. Every step toward reaching your goals counts!
No matter what your goals are for the remainder of the year, remember to write them down, review them regularly, and celebrate those small wins!