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How to Become a High Performing PLC/Instructional Team

TXTS 4 Teachers

How to Become a High Performing PLC/Instructional Team

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Does your PLC/instructional team possess all seven of the following behaviors? 

  1. Maintain a clear focus

  2. Embrace a spirit of inquiry

  3. Put data at the center

  4. Honor commitments to learners and learning

  5. Cultivate relational trust

  6. Seek equity

  7. Assume collective responsibility

These are the qualities of High Performing Groups as defined by Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman in Got Data? Now What? PLCs/instructional teams exhibiting these qualities not only increase student learning, but also have high professional efficacy and satisfaction.  Can your team become stronger in any of these qualities?  If so, consider attending, individually or with your teaching team, our Successful Data Analysis Workshop where we concentrate on structures and protocols that support your team to embody these characteristics. 

Lipton, L., & Wellman, B. M. (2012). Got data? Now what?: Creating and leading cultures of inquiry. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.