A Refresher on the Art of Scripting
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Most leaders have a “go-to” method of collecting evidence when conducting formal observations. All too often, however, these methods fall short of a comprehensive script representing objective and complete classroom observation evidence. According to Grimm, Kaufman, and Doty (2014), “Scripting engenders a wealth of detail, and so is relevant to nearly every observation focus area.”
How can busy leaders refresh or revive their scripting practices? Here are some helpful strategies:
Support typed notes with a simultaneous audio recording app, such as AudioNote. These apps are a quick way to fill-in missed details in the exact place in your script. Plus, they provide automatic time intervals.
Develop a go-to list of abbreviations (e.g., NV for non-volunteer).
Make a rough seating chart where students are numbered rather than trying to catch their names.
Take pictures of student work and other observation artifacts.
See our “Tips for Effective Evidence Collection” for more ideas.
Without a doubt, the effort to thoroughly script an observed lesson pays countless dividends for both the evaluator and teacher.