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Questions to Spark Feedback about Virtual Instruction

TXTS4 Leaders List

Questions to Spark Feedback about Virtual Instruction

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You are likely reflecting on how much the way we conduct school has been turned on its head in the past year.  One monumental change has been the shift to some form of virtual learning, whether it’s 100% online, a hybrid model, or back-and-forth from in-person to virtual in response to COVID-19 cases in your community.

And, of course, informal and formal classroom observations have continued, regardless of the instructional setting. In an effort to support leaders to continue to provide rich feedback to teachers, The Principal Center published “15 Questions for Feedback on Virtual Teaching for Instructional Leaders.”

The guide is organized into five categories:

  1. Standards/curriculum/pacing documents.

  2. Teacher-created artifacts

  3. Teacher-curated artifacts

  4. Student work artifacts

  5. Data/assessment results

The questions are designed to prompt teacher reflection, thereby eliciting a rich conversation between the instructional leader and teacher. Be sure to read the entire guide, as it is chock-full of thought-provoking questions and information!

Baeder, J. (2020, September 16). 15 Questions for Feedback on Virtual Teaching. Retrieved February 9, 2021, from