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The Maricopa County School Superintendent is statutorily responsible for providing services supporting school governing board elections, bond and override elections, appointments, school finance, and maintaining homeschool and private school records. The superintendent also oversees the Maricopa County accommodation district.

The Year of Delightful Staff Meetings

TXTS4 Leaders List

The Year of Delightful Staff Meetings

Guest User

Make this the year your staff meetings are more meaningful and productive for you and your staff.  Here are five things you can do to make sure your meetings are time well spent and to help folks look forward to your time together.

  1. Don’t have anything on your agenda that can be sent to staff to read on their own.  Consider setting aside time for one-minute messages at the end of the meeting for sharing brief announcements. 

  2.  Hold monthly instead of weekly staff meetings.  You will find you can accomplish what you need to in a monthly meeting, and the staff comes to value the time together.

  3. Group staff members into learning clubs comprised of people from different grade levels and departments and maintain these learning groups for the school year.

  4. Plan for the meeting’s learning focus.  When leading the meetings, model best practices for instruction and to facilitate learning.

  5.   Use the staff meeting as a time for the whole group to be a part of the thinking that you usually only bring to a leadership team.  Involving everyone as you look at data, consider possible solutions to school concerns, or prioritize next steps for you school will empower your staff and will often provide more ideas and options to consider.

Following these time-honored practices will create meaningful and pleasurable staff meetings for all.