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PP Sandbox

Virtual Locker for your Students

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You’ve created your own Bitmoji Classroom so that your students get to know your personality, but what about them? Lauren Vining with “Teach the World” created this “Design Your Own Virtual Locker” template so that students have their own space to decorate and share. Students can either present their lockers virtually or write a short summary. Teach the World also offers free virtual classrooms with international themes and other teaching resources.


Using Break Out Rooms for Collaboration

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Breakout rooms is a feature on zoom and other online communication platforms that allows the host to break up a large group into smaller groups. It gives the host an option to create small groups manually (choosing who goes in each room) or automatically (random students in each room). Breakout rooms are very easy and fast to create.

Submitted by: Edmy Lopez, ASU Preparatory Academy, Downtown Phoenix


Academic Sentence Frame

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Academic sentence frames are "fill in the blank" sentences that include a grammar identifier to help the student respond to questions. Academic sentence frames help students learn and practice academic language.

Submitted by: Erica Earl, Central High School, Phoenix Union High School District

Enhancing Students Answers

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Four ways to enhance student responses in your classroom are by: following up with additional questions to correct answers, expecting students to answer questions completely and correctly, breaking student responses down to provide additional opportunities, and not allowing students to opt out.

Evidence Based Tips for Online Teaching

Guest User

This article provides seven high impact, evidence based tips for online learning. Below is the list of the tips included:

  1. Keep it organized.
  2. Chunk Lessons in digestible pieces.
  3. Solicit feedback.
  4. Annotate and Scaffold Learning
  5. Conduct frequent low stake quizzes.
  6. Connect with your students at a personal level.
  7. Take care of yourself

Accelerated Learning

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Accelerated learning places a priority on providing grade-level content without delay. This type of learning sets students up for success for new learning by filling in the most critical gaps at the moment they are needed. Accelerated learning is a proven approach that uses effective strategies and scaffolds to put students on a fast track to grade level.

Digital Organizational Tool

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A digital organization tool helps students create academic goals on a weekly basis. Students can work with their teacher, parents, and other caretakers to track their progress within each class. This tool can be used in all learning environments: digital, hybrid, and in-person.

Submitted by: Erica Brown, ASU Prepartory Digital Academy

Virtual Socratic Seminars

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Socratic Seminars roles include the leader and the participants. The leader will pose an open-ended question with no right or wrong answers and should prompt the participants to cite the text to support their opinions. During the dialogue the leader acts as a facilitator and should be well versed with the text. A successful Socratic Seminar occurs when all students actively listen and participate.


Strategies to Move to Deeper Discussions

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This article from ASCD, by Jeff Zwiers, provides strategies for moving beyond “popcorn” discussions to more substantial and deep dialogues. The purpose of the article is to support teachers and students with classroom discussions by improving use of discussion skills, tools and mindsets. The article provides information for supporting core discussion skills in students; ideas to develop our teacher skills for providing deeper classroom discussions and provides discussion enhancing tools.


Online Writing Conferences

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Online writing conferences are meetings setup with students about their writing via a videotelephony program such as zoom. The meeting is designed for the teacher and student to interact regarding the student’s writing piece.

Submitted by: Monica Baldonado Ruiz, Chandler High School, Chandler Unified School District

Virtual Gallery Walk Stations

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Interactive digital whiteboards, such as Microsoft Whiteboard and Google Jamboard, are apps that allow you to mimic some of the best collaborative learning strategies in a virtual environment. The digital whiteboard can be used for strategies such as Gallery Walk Stations.

Submitted by: Tiffany Huisman, Metro Tech High School, Phoenix Union High School District


Virtual Think Pair Share

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Interactive digital whiteboards, such as Microsoft Whiteboard and Google Jamboard, are apps that allow you to mimic some of the best collaborative learning strategies in a virtual environment. The digital whiteboard can be used for strategies such as Think-Pair-Share.

Submitted by: Tiffany Huisman, Metro Tech High School, Phoenix Union High School District

Reciprocal Teaching

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Reciprocal Teaching (Palinscar & Brown 1984) is a guided reading comprehension strategy that encourages students to develop the skills that effective readers and learners do automatically (summarize, question, clarify, predict and respond to what they are reading).
