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PP Sandbox

Humanizing your Online Learning

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Building effective classroom strategies through distance learning has been one of teachers’ biggest concerns in 2020.In response, researchers at St. Mary’s College of California created this step-by-step guide on “Humanizing Online Teaching” for teachers new to presenting content virtually. We found this to be a great introduction to help you visualize what your online teaching style could look like.


SEL Check-In

Guest User

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) check-in is a system for students to be able to check-in and reflect on a daily basis while participating in virtual and in-person instruction. This resource can be pushed out through Google Classroom, allowing teachers with the ability to easily and efficiently deliver the resource to all students while also being able to provide feedback and support.

Submitted by: Kelley Romm, Grayhawk Elementary School, Paradise Valley School District

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Grounding Technique

Laurie King

A grounding technique is a method used to help individuals bring their focus back to what is currently happening to them or their environment at the moment. This grounding technique helps provide the individual with the opportunity to use their five senses to refocus. The technique can be applied virtually or in person and with any age group.

Submitted by: Cristina Hidalgo Holiday, Insight Academy of Arizona.