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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85012


Teaching & Leading Guides

Teaching and Learning Guides

A Promising Practice is an instructional strategy, resource, or process used by educators that show a positive impact in the classroom and school community. Promising Practices are submitted by Maricopa County teachers and leaders and organized into the categories of Creative Instruction, Ed Leadership, STEM, and Student Well-Being.

You can submit a Promising Practice for consideration here.

How To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. How-To Guides are created by Maricopa County educators by invitation as well as instructional experts from our office. How-To Guides are organized into the categories of Creative Instruction, Ed Leadership, STEM, and Student Well-Being.


Culture & Climate Calendars are monthly, themed guides for leaders to strengthen their practice by adopting strategies and behaviors that create professional environments where teachers and students thrive. Calendars can be printed, but many have links to additional resources from our office and other leading experts.

The STEM Lesson Plans are guides that outline a teacher's objectives for a lesson, including what students will learn, how they will learn it, and how their progress will be assessed. These lesson plans were developed through an ASU’s Arizona STEM Acceleration Project (ASAP).