Assessment Strategies: Low Tech + High Tech
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Today’s installment of awesome assessment strategies contains two short Teaching Channel videos. One is high-tech and the other is low-tech, and both have great applications for the busy classroom teacher!
Our “low-tech” example is the use of “infinitely usable folders” for practice and formative assessment.
Our “high-tech” example is especially useful for classrooms equipped with Chromebooks or other one-to-one technology.
Some points to consider as you view these short videos are:
How does the teacher’s use of this strategy allow for differentiated practice?
What important information can a teacher gather in real-time about students’ progress ?
How might this strategy be applied to other content areas?
How do students benefit from a mixture of low- and high-tech assessment strategies?
Josh Kwon, the teacher featured in the “Using Tech Tools for Formative Assessment” video, has a link to connect with him via Twitter. The link is found underneath the reflection questions to the right of the video player.