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TXTS 4 Teachers

Academic Dialogue: Cute Kinders give Peer Feedback

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Thus far this month, we have primarily examined small group academic discussions.  Today, we will visit kindergarteners who are holding peer feedback discussions that would knock the socks off of many adults!

Academic dialogue tends to be synonymous with small groups.  True, intentional, and thoughtful small group conversations are fertile ground for growing a plethora of academic and social skills.  However, this video exemplifies how a well-structured whole-group peer feedback session:

Provides specific, meaningful peer feedback on a writing assignment

Affords students an opportunity to set their own revision goals based on success criteria

Builds respectful dialogue and active listening skills

Encourages a growth mindset for both students and teachers

Upper grades will especially appreciate the incredible gift this kindergarten teacher is giving her young students by empowering them with these experiences.  Plus, they are super cute!