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TXTS 4 Teachers

Assessment Strategies: Combining Authentic with Formative for the Win

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In an educational setting, “authentic assessment” is understood as tasks that look and sound “real-world” and that “value the thinking behind the work process, as much as the finished product” (Pearson & Valencia, 1987; Wiggins, 1989; Wolf, 1989).

Authentic assessment is typically viewed as synonymous with “performance based assessment” or its newest incarnation, “Project Based Learning,” which tend to connote larger and more complicated projects – summative assessments. Yet, what about the day-to-day formative assessments that are foundational to scaffolding learning?

Over the next few weeks, we will hone in on melding “authentic” with “formative” assessments. Today’s resource comes from The Teaching Channel.

As you view this short video, you might consider:

How is this strategy an authentic and formative assessment?

How might it be adapted for younger students?

Stay tuned for more spiffy strategies!