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TXTS 4 Teachers

A Primer on Dependent vs. Independent Learners

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As thoughtful educators, we are aware of the achievement gap:  the difference in achievement between white, middle-class students and poor students, students of color, and English learners. This disparity is often attributed to perceived cultural or learning deficits.

Zaretta Hammond begs to differ. In her groundbreaking book, Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain (2015), Hammond argues that although numerous students begin school with minor learning variances, they are exacerbated over time for students of color and English learners “because we don’t teach them how to be independent learners” (p. 15).

Our handy infographic is a quick introduction to independent vs. dependent learners.  Stay on the lookout for future TXTS4 Teachers providing more information about Culturally Responsive Teaching principles and practices.

Hammond, Z. (2015). Climbing out of the gap. In Hammond, Z & Jackson, Y. , Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students (pp. 14-15). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a SAGE Company.
