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Mindfulness Activities for Families

TXTS 4 Teachers

Mindfulness Activities for Families

Guest User

You have nurtured your students throughout the school year, and now they are about to start their summer break.  Although summer break can bring images of swimming pools and fun, a lack of connectedness and structure along with the fear of the pandemic may cause stress and anxiety for some children.  Mindfulness is one way to mitigate these unpleasant feelings.  Mindfulness is slowing down and taking time to be in the present.  Consider giving the gift of mindfulness by sharing these simple daily activities with families to promote positive mental health over the summer break.

  • Family Yoga

  • Mindful Musical Movement

  • Mindful Eating

  • Breathing Exercises

  • Focusing on Sounds

  • Gratitude Activities

Follow this link to find details on each of these activities.

On a final note, today’s TXTS4 Teachers is our last issue for the 2019-2020 school year. We know you are likely experiencing feelings of grief as the school year ends in an incredibly non-traditional way. We also recognize your summer plans are radically different than in years past. Rest assured, those of us at TXTS4 Teachers will be working throughout the summer to support you as you return to school in the fall, no matter what that return looks like. Best wishes for finding rejuvenation this summer.