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Learning Acceleration Reflection, Celebration, and Next Steps!

TXTS 4 Teachers

Learning Acceleration Reflection, Celebration, and Next Steps!

Guest User

Welcome back to our Learning Acceleration series! Today’s post is the final edition of the series. We encourage you to take the time to reflect, celebrate, and set next steps as we wrap up this series.


Think of a student who has benefitted from your implementation of Learning Acceleration. What are some of the Learning Acceleration techniques that helped this student step right into grade level content and experience success along the way? To help with your reflection, click here for a useful self-assessment checklist.


Success stories always inspire others. How might you publicly celebrate this student’s and your success story? At your next staff meeting? In a school newsletter? At a parent meeting? As a leader in this initiative, you can make celebration more than just fun and leverage it as a way to communicate the importance of Learning Acceleration.


What might be your next steps to enhance your implementation of Learning Acceleration? Working with your team to accelerate learning for students during an upcoming unit? Collaborating with an instructional coach to further improve outcomes for students using Learning Acceleration? Adding a new Learning Acceleration technique to your toolbox, or getting better at a few that you have already tried?

Additionally, below are the links to our past Learning Acceleration Series TXTS4 Teachers’ posts to help you with your learning plan.