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TXTS 4 Teachers

Affirming You

Guest User

As we contemplated this first TXTS4 Teachers since before spring break, we wondered: What was the right message or resource that could make a teacher’s day or week a bit better? We were especially mindful that you likely are on information overload after a year of having your professional and personal life turned on its head.

What struck us are these two truths:

  • You did it! You made it through this tumultuous year and now have your students (mostly) in your physical presence.

  • There are more known and unknown challenges ahead.

Now, we invite you to take a deep collective breath and a moment to affirm your amazing self.

  • What is your greatest strength as a human being? Write it on a post-it note.

  • What is a gift you bring to your teaching? Write it on another post-it note.

  • Keep going until you have a pile of post-it notes!

  • Place them on your computer or anywhere else to remind you of your strengths and gifts.

Finally, in keeping with our love of infographics at TXTS4 Teachers, here is a printable one with “10 Daily Affirmations for Teachers.” It is based on 2017 Teach for America blog post.

We will be back next week to share strategies and resources to support you as you navigate the rest of the school year. Until then, take gentle care of yourself. Remember: You did it. You are amazing.

10 Daily Affirmations for Teachers.png