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TXTS 4 Teachers

Learning Acceleration Student Surveys

Guest User

Welcome back to our Learning Acceleration series! Today’s post is edition #4 of the five-part series.

Naturally, grade-level mastery is the most important outcome of Learning Acceleration. You know the techniques to get students to mastery, and your assessments are evidence of academic success. Yet do you know how students perceive your classroom and teaching?

In addition to monitoring student academic learning, it’s also a good idea to gauge the pulse of the student learning experience, which can be accomplished through student surveys.

To find out how the learning environment and lessons are working for students, ask students to respond to prompts such as:

  • My teacher makes me feel like I belong in their class.

  • My teacher is doing their best to help me learn.

  • I understand my teacher’s lessons.

  • What I am learning is interesting.

Students are a great source of insight to their own learning. So, make sure you ask them about their experiences.

Download these and similar student experience prompts from the TNTP Learning Experience Survey.

Learning Experience Survey Questions. (2020). TNTP. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from