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Parent Communication Check-up

TXTS 4 Teachers

Parent Communication Check-up

Guest User

Parent-teacher communications are an important part of a child’s education. When was the last time you reflected upon your parent communication strategies? Review the questions below for a brief communication check-up.

  • Are your current communication methods providing the parent-engagement you desire?  Survey parents to find out their preferred means of communication. Consider utilizing multiple means of communicating such as email, texts, a class website, or recording weekly podcasts. 

  • Do you have a system to collect and share positivity?

Whether praising students on their attendance, engagement, achievement, or their persistence and efforts, we can all find areas to celebrate and praise our students. How are you sharing these celebrations with students and parents? Consider making a schedule and sending out positive messages to 3-5 families each day.

  • Do you have a set time in your day/week where parents can contact you?

This may be via an online platform or by phone.  For example, you may choose to stay online for a half hour after class every day for parent questions and an added evening slot once a week.  If working remotely, consider creating a free Google phone number to set boundaries while inviting communication.

  • Have you communicated student goals with parents lately?

It is a great time to revisit individual student goals and build a bridge with families by highlighting the parent’s connection to their child’s achievements.

 Now that you have reflected, what are your next steps to support parent-teacher communication?