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T'was the Week before Winter Break....

TXTS 4 Teachers

T'was the Week before Winter Break....

Guest User

We at TXTS4 Teachers strive to deliver easily digestible professional resources each week.  But, as fellow teachers, we know a little humor and inspiration are occasionally welcome – especially the week before a long break! 

Here’s a charming take on “T’was the Night Before Christmas.”  We hope you enjoy it, and most importantly, we wish you a joyous and rejuvenating winter break.*

T'was the week before break at the magnificent school
And all the weary teachers were losing their cool!
Santa searched for the ones that gave their time and hearts;
he wanted to thank them, but how could he start?

So many hours, they worked without fuss
They worked for the students; they all gave so much.
What could he do to show them their worth;
The difference they made with all their hard work?

"I know" Santa said, "I'll open their eyes.
"They'll see clearly the impact they have on young lives.
They'll see smiles on faces that their work puts there;
They'll see kindness in students taught the lesson to care."

"They'll hear laughter from families that share in their days
They'll get hugs that without them would just go away."
"And at night when they rest, they'll sleep soundly and know
Their teaching hearts keep their students aglow."

-          Anonymous

*Adapted from a poem found on a teacher’s online message board, who had adapted it from someone else, which seems fitting! Teachers are the grand adapters of the world, aren’t we?