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TXTS 4 Teachers

Five Optimistic Lesson Closures to Build Students' Confidence and Competence

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Integrating optimistic lesson closure activities help teachers build classroom community and support students as they strengthen their social and emotional learning skills. Optimistic closures are used to end a class by reflecting on the day’s learning or identifying next action steps. To instill a growing academic mindset, ask students to verbalize a one-word reflection, line up according to their understanding, or to share words of appreciation or an apology. These quick optimistic closures enhance students’ decision making, relationship, and self-management skills. We invite you to check-out this Edutopia video, Finishing Class with Optimistic Closures, to see them in action.

Additionally, consider printing and posting the infographic to use as a handy reference for these powerful activities.

Borovoy, Amy Erin and Sarita Khurana. Producers. (2021, September 16). Finishing class strong with optimistic closures.