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Smooth Transition: Support for New Teachers

Guest User

You worked hard this summer to carefully fill your vacancies to ensure that every classroom has a qualified and prepared teacher at the helm.  Now that you’ve found and hired these treasures, how you support them in their transition to your school’s culture and climate can have lasting consequences on their instructional effectiveness, student achievement, and overall sense of belonging.  This can be a challenging and lonely time for a new teacher. Don’t leave these important first weeks up to chance.

To whom are your new hires turning?

Do they have a mentor that can provide both teaching and emotional support?

What will be your approach to assessing how they are navigating the learning curve?

Beginners in the Classroom: What the Changing Demographics of Teaching Mean for Schools, Students, and Society, a 2014 report from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, provides research on why teachers leave, some excellent insight into the needs of new teachers, and how to employ strategies to provide your new hires with concentrated and meaningful support.