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Timely, Effective Feedback

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You spend hours observing classroom instruction but do you also give timely, effective feedback to your staff?  If you are spending time in classrooms but neglecting face-to-face feedback, you are evaluating and being visible, but what is your evidence of growth?  Effective feedback is more about effective coaching that improves student learning.

As you provide formal or informal observation feedback to teachers, follow these “Six Steps to Effective Feedback” from Leverage Leadership (Brambrick-Santoyo, 2012) to ensure teacher and student growth:

Provide precise praise.  Start off the meeting with one or two pieces of precise praise from your observation.

Probe.  Ask a targeted open-ended question about the core issue.

Identify problem and concrete action step.  Identify the problem and state a clear, measurable, observable action step that will address the issue.  

Practice.  Role-play or simulate how the teacher could have improved the class. 

Plan ahead.  Design or revise upcoming lesson plan to implement this action.

Set timeline.  Determine time by which the action will be accomplished.

Let’s see this in action.  View Julie Jackson leverage the six steps of effective feedback to show Carly Bradley how to raise the rigor of her questioning.  Watch how Julie gets Carly to do the thinking and to practice on the spot.

With which teacher would you like to practice giving effective feedback?  By when?  Go ahead and practice this as you plan for this conversation.  The steps become automatic the more you see the kind of teacher growth that comes from this type of effective feedback.

Stay tuned.  Next week, we’ll look at how to find the time to provide regular face-to-face feedback with teachers.